Hey! I'm Ed Rempel.
I'm the main Wise Guy on this site. I am a financial blogger, fee-for-service financial planner and tax accountant with a ton of real life financial planning experience.
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Resources to begin your learning journey
When can I Retire with the Lifestyle I Want?
Financial freedom. It is what we really want. You need a Retirement Plan to get there. It will not happen...
Smith Manoeuvre
The Smith Manoeuvre – Is your mortgage tax deductible? The Smith Manoeuvre is an efficient strategy to use equity in...
How to Easily Outperform Investment Advisors & Robo-Advisors
Investment advisors and robo-advisors have a massive disadvantage – they are short-term thinkers. You can easily outperform them by learning...
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Financial Myth Busters
There are many myths about the stock market. From a financial planning perspecitve, the most important one is that the long term returns of the stock market (20-30 years) are far more consistent than most people believe....