FHSA (First Home Savings Account)
Money123 Article: Buying a House? Timing Your First Home Savings Account (FHSA) Withdrawal
A couple are about to buy a house in the next couple of months, but their money is in their First Home Savings Account (FHSA). They are not sure when to withdraw their money. They are worried that if they keep the money in the FHSA until they have a deal, it might cause a…
Read MoreTenant for Life by Choice: 5 Steps to “Tenant Freedom”
Many people today feel they have no choice but to be a tenant, however, what if you actually choose this? You can choose to be a tenant forever and it can be a great life! I’m going to introduce you to the concept of “Tenant Freedom,” to show you how great of a life it…
Read MoreCanadian Press Article: Renting for life? Here’s what that means for your financial planning
Nina Dragicevic from The Canadian Press recently interviewed me about renting for life as a real option and what it means for your financial planning. In today’s housing market, many young people and even people in their 40s see purchasing a home as unattainable. I work with high-income clients who don’t always own their home,…
Read MoreWhy You Should Open an FHSA This Year
You should open up an FHSA Account this year! This is for you if you don’t own a home now or in the last four years and are age 18 – 71. You get contribution room starting the year you open your FHSA, but if you wait until next year you lose that room. The…
Read MoreTop 10 Things to Know to Be in Control of Your Finances
Want to get serious about your finances? Every day I talk to people who come to see me for financial advice because they’ve come to a point where they realize – “I should probably do something smarter with my money, but I’m not quite sure what.” When you get to that point, what do you…
Read MoreWhat’s New for Your 2022 Tax Return
What’s new for your 2022 tax return? In my blog post I’m going to give you insight into what’s happening in the Canadian tax world. Get the inside scoop on the “new” items from CRA and those being discontinued. If you haven’t done your taxes yet or you’re thinking ahead to next year, find out…
Read MoreFinancial Post Article: B.C. couple has plenty of money, but even the wealthy need a coherent financial plan
A financial plan is really a life plan to think through what you want to do with your money and life. This is why the wealthy need a Financial Plan, just like everyone else. What lifestyle do they want to live and what do they want to do with their money? How comfortable of a…
Read MoreTop 15 Hacks for Your First Home Savings Account (FHSA) aka The “Renter’s RRSP”
There is a brand new type of account in Canada coming out in April 2023. It’s called Your First Home Savings Account (FHSA) aka The “Renter’s RRSP”. You may know about RRSPs & TFSAs, well this is the third one, and it’s worth knowing because for many people, this is going to be the best…
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