Mortgage Wisdom

Money123 Article: Mortgage vs. Retirement – What Should They Do?

A married couple are homeowners who currently save $1,000 a month after paying their bills. They are wondering if they should pay down their mortgage faster or invest their savings.   As a financial planner for Global News’ Money123 online email newsletter, I answer reader questions about investing, managing your finances, and planning for your future.…

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What Happens if the Liberals Attack the Smith Manoeuvre?

The Smith Manoeuvre has long been a popular strategy for Canadian homeowners seeking to convert their mortgage debt into tax-deductible investment debt.  However, recent tax and regulatory changes have impacted the efficacy of the Smith Manoeuvre, and further changes from the Liberal government could pose additional challenges. In my latest blog post, YouTube video and…

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5-Year Fixed Mortgage Trap

The average Canadian wastes $22,000 after tax during their life for every $100,000 of their mortgage and takes 38 months longer to pay it off, according to a study by Moshe Milevsky. This is because of taking 5-year fixed mortgages instead of variable. They are marketed as being safe and a good protection against a…

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Smith Manoeuvre – Is Your Mortgage Tax Deductible?

What is the Smith Manoeuvre and how do you do it the right way?The Smith Manoeuvre is a strategy where you borrow against your home to invest for your retirement. It converts your mortgage over time into a tax deductible credit line.To do it the right way, there are three key points:

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