Debunking “Sequence of Returns Risk”

What is the actual risk of running out of money if you start retirement when the market crashes?
This is a question on the minds of many retirees.
Especially because a lot of financial advisors talk about “Sequence of Returns Risk”.
But worrying about this can lead to worse results for many retirees, as well as inferior portfolios, lower returns and a less reliable retirement.
In this blog post I’m going to debunk the “Sequence of Returns Risk” and give you solutions, including a dynamic spending rule that I give my clients.
What you will learn:
- What is “Sequence of Returns Risk”?
- What solutions are typically recommended?\
- What is the actual risk of running out of money with a bad sequence of returns?
- Do the typical solutions work?
- Why don’t the typical solutions work?
- How can you get the maximum reliable retirement income?
- What should you do if your risk tolerance is lower?
- What is “Your Personal Rule” for you to use instead of the “4% Rule”?
- What solution to “Sequence of Returns Risk” actually works?
- What dynamic spending rules are suggested by actuaries & advisors?
- What is Ed’s dynamic spending rule?
- How is it customized for you?
What is “Sequence of Returns Risk”?
- The risk that you run out of money if you start retirement with a market crash.
- “Sequence risk is the danger that the timing of withdrawals from a retirement account will damage the investor’s overall return. Account withdrawals during a bear market are more costly than the same withdrawals in a bull market. A diversified portfolio can protect your savings against sequence risk.”
What solutions are typically recommended?
- Diversified portfolio – Bonds.
- Bucketing strategy – Bonds.
- Annuities – Fixed income.
What is the actual risk of running out of money with a bad sequence of returns?
- 4% Rule 100% equities graph – 96-97% success rate.
- Only one market crash that didn’t support a 30-year retirement – 1929
- Fed did not know how to manage the economy. They didn’t support the run on the banks and reduced the money supply by 30%. Fed would not make that mistake today.
- Not just the last 100 years. (Equity returns after inflation similar in the 1800s.)
- Risk to your retirement is inflation, not a market crash.
- Most retirements with 100% equities end with 3-4 times more.
Do the typical solutions work?
- Typical solution is to add bonds to reduce volatility.
- This is more risky.
- 100% bonds chart – 53% failure rate.
- Failure rate nearly 100% except when interest fall for many years, like 1982-2020.
100% Bonds/0% Equities = 53% Failure
70% Bonds/30% Equities = 14% Failure
Why don’t the typical solutions work?
- Stocks are more consistent than bonds after 20 years – Chart
- 70-88% of your 30-year retirement is investment growth AFTER you retire.
The more bonds, the lower the success rate of a 30-year retirement
Success Rates of Retirement Income Withdrawals chart
Ed’s advice:
How can you get the maximum reliable retirement income?
- Growth-focused investors: Keep pre-retirement portfolio.
- If you invest 70% or more in stocks, the “4% Rule has been safe in history.
- Effective management of your withdrawal rate.
What should you do if your risk tolerance is lower?
- Invest within your risk tolerance.
- Lower risk = Lower retirement income.
- Use “Your Personal Rule” instead of the “4% Rule.
Risk tolerance is a learned skill. You can learn it.
- The ability to do nothing when your investments go down.
What is “Your Personal Rule” for you to use instead of the “4% Rule”?
- Ed’s retirement rule: Replace the “4% Rule” with “Your Personal Rule:
- “2.5% +.2% for every 10% in stocks Rule”.
- For example, with 10% in stocks, use a “2.7% Rule”.Highest Success rate chart“
- Age Rule” – Your age in bonds – 3% Rule
- Not a rule – It’s a guideline.
What solution to “Sequence of Returns Risk” actually works?
- Protect 4% Rule with dynamic spending rules.
- What dynamic spending rules are suggested by actuaries & advisors?
- Actuarial studies & advisor formulas – Automatic formulas.
- Guyton-Klinger strategy
- Hebeler Autopilot
- T-SWP funds – T4
- Income automatically adjusted every year.
- 100% effective for any retirement.
- Can be hard to reduce spending by 30% after a big market decline.
Active management of withdrawal rate – Ed’s method.
- Client specific – Depends on ability to reduce spending.
- 100% success rate in history.
- Experience in 2008 – Worst case scenario. Quick recovery.
- Worst market crash in 90 years & 4% Rule worked fine.
Planning With Ed
Ed Rempel has helped thousands of Canadians become financially secure. He is a fee-for-service financial planner, tax accountant, expert in many tax & investment strategies, and a popular and passionate blogger.
Ed has a unique understanding of how to be successful financially based on extensive real-life experience, having written nearly 1,000 comprehensive personal financial plans.
The “Planning with Ed” experience is about your life, not just money. Your Financial Plan is the GPS for your life.
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