Finance Wisdom

Realizing You Somehow Became Wealthy

I often talk with people who realize—almost by surprise—that they’ve become wealthy.  They never really thought of themselves as wealthy, but after years of saving and investing effectively, it hits them: I’m actually wealthy.  And let me tell you—being wealthy feels different. In my latest YouTube video, podcast episode, and blog post I talk about:…

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How to EASILY Outperform Financial Advisors

It is EASY to outperform financial advisors? Why? Conventional wisdom is they underperform because of fees, but there is a bigger reason. They don’t even try to outperform. They try for: “Reasonable return with less risk”. Financial advisors are mainly salespeople, not financial planners. They are more likely to lose a client because of a…

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How to EASILY Outperform Robo-Advisors

It is EASY to outperform robo-advisors? Why? They don’t even try to outperform. They try for: “Reasonable return with less risk”.  You would think robo-advisors would just invest in a few broad indexes, but often they don’t. And they require you to invest in bonds no matter how high your risk tolerance. Robo-advisors are big…

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How to EASILY Outperform Index Investors

It is EASY to outperform index investors? Why? You would think that people that consider themselves “index investors” would just own 1 or 2 broad indexes and try for the index return. However the ones I see usually do not invest this way. Most of them have suboptimal portfolios that may contain: 1/ Bonds –…

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