Old Age Security (OAS)
National Post Article: Now retired, how do we withdraw funds without running out of money?
The National Post asked me to review the finances of Walter and Joanne, a retired couple in their late 60s, who have been struggling for years with the same question: How do we draw income from our investments in the most tax-efficient way—so we can maintain our lifestyle without running out of money? They’ve built…
Read MoreCanadian Affairs Article: Can James, 71, and Valerie, 63, afford to move to a nicer neighbourhood?
Canadian Affairs asked me to review the financial situation of James and Valerie, a retired couple in Montreal. They dream of traveling twice a year, upgrading to a nicer neighbourhood, and replacing their car in a few years—all while maintaining a comfortable retirement with $64,000 a year in spending for the next decade. Currently, their…
Read MoreNational Post Article: Couple shy of retirement goals with $2.1 million portfolio
The National Post asked me to review the finances of Tom and Amanda, a semi-retired couple in their early 60s, who are debt-free, own a $1.9 million home in Southwestern Ontario, and plan to spend $115,000–$120,000 annually in retirement. Tom and Amanda enjoy part-time consulting work, which brings in $24,000 annually before tax, but the…
Read MoreNational Post Article: B.C. couple, both 49, wonder if retiring at 60 is possible
The National Post asked me to review the finances of a B.C. couple who are both 49-years old, wondering if they can retire at 60. George has a full-time position in the public sector, a private business and takes on consulting projects. His wife Elyse is a stay-at-home mom to their two teenage children. One…
Read MoreDo You Need Savings in Addition to a Government Pension Like OMERS?
When planning for retirement, many Canadians rely on a government pension like OMERS (Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System) as their foundation. Do you need savings in addition to your government pension to maintain the lifestyle you want? A buddy called me from his car and said, “I’m driving. Will I get to my destination on…
Read MoreNational Post Article: Couple has a compelling reason for wanting to break with the retirement mould
The National Post asked me to review the finances of a couple who want to retire in their 50s. They’d like to spend three to four months a year in a warmer climate. They have a $1.6 million investment portfolio that generates about $52,000 a year in dividends, they have a combined annual income of…
Read MoreNational Post Article: Snowbirds paying $15,000 a year in investment fees worry about growing their nest egg
The National Post asked me to review the finances of a newly retired couple who are snowbirds. They are currently paying $15,000 a year in investment fees, but feel they don’t get much tax or financial planning advice. They are also business partners who have worked in the U.S. One has a Canadian-United States citizenship,…
Read MoreNational Post Article: A single dad nearing retirement hopes to fund daughter’s education and his golden years
The National Post asked me to review the finances of a single dad nearing retirement who hopes to fund his daughter’s education in his golden years. The 55-year-old is a health-care professional and earns about $210,000 annually before tax. Since January, in addition to his current employment income, John has been receiving a pension of…
Read MoreGlobe and Mail Article: Why DIY investors are turning to financial professionals as retirement approaches
The Globe & Mail recently interviewed me and other experts to ask why DIY investors are turning to financial professionals as retirement approaches. As someone who has seen the full finances of thousands of people, I see it all the time. People who have managed their finances successfully on their own up until their 50s…
Read MoreNational Post Article: Soon-to-retire couple needs $185,000 a year to meet their desired lifestyle
The National Post asked me to review the finances of a couple who are both in their 60s and want to retire at the end of 2024. They would like to enjoy a lifestyle where they can enjoy trips to Europe and Asia each year, and not feel financially constrained, so they will only retire…
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