Posts Tagged ‘financial planning’

Realizing You Somehow Became Wealthy

I often talk with people who realize—almost by surprise—that they’ve become wealthy.  They never really thought of themselves as wealthy, but after years of saving and investing effectively, it hits them: I’m actually wealthy.  And let me tell you—being wealthy feels different. In my latest YouTube video, podcast episode, and blog post I talk about:…

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Who Are the Wealthy and How Did They Get Rich?

As a financial planner, I’ve had a unique view into the full financial picture of thousands of Canadians and have read countless studies.  My experience spans clients of varying financial backgrounds, as well as countless conversations with readers of my blog, friends, and acquaintances.  Although our clients may not represent the entire population—they tend to…

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Money123 Article: Mortgage vs. Retirement – What Should They Do?

A married couple are homeowners who currently save $1,000 a month after paying their bills. They are wondering if they should pay down their mortgage faster or invest their savings.   As a financial planner for Global News’ Money123 online email newsletter, I answer reader questions about investing, managing your finances, and planning for your future.…

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Do You Need Savings in Addition to a Government Pension Like OMERS?

When planning for retirement, many Canadians rely on a government pension like OMERS (Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System) as their foundation.  Do you need savings in addition to your government pension to maintain the lifestyle you want? A buddy called me from his car and said, “I’m driving. Will I get to my destination on…

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Dividend Investing Perfected with Self-Made Dividends (Canadian Financial Summit 2023)

In the vast landscape of personal finance, dividend investing has carved out a significant niche.  Whether you’re browsing through countless blogs or hearing investment advisors champion its benefits, it’s clear that dividend investing is a popular choice, especially with the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) community. However, a closer look reveals that almost all the…

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