Posts Tagged ‘equities’

Realizing You Somehow Became Wealthy

I often talk with people who realize—almost by surprise—that they’ve become wealthy.  They never really thought of themselves as wealthy, but after years of saving and investing effectively, it hits them: I’m actually wealthy.  And let me tell you—being wealthy feels different. In my latest YouTube video, podcast episode, and blog post I talk about:…

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Dividend Investing Perfected with Self-Made Dividends (Canadian Financial Summit 2023)

In the vast landscape of personal finance, dividend investing has carved out a significant niche.  Whether you’re browsing through countless blogs or hearing investment advisors champion its benefits, it’s clear that dividend investing is a popular choice, especially with the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) community. However, a closer look reveals that almost all the…

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What is a Hedge Fund? Inside the Semi-Secret Hedge Fund World

20 years ago I took the most fascinating investment course, and by far the most in-depth. The course made me a “Certified Hedge Fund Specialist” (CHFS). I loved it so much I received the top mark in Canada. From the course and meeting with hedge fund people, I’ve learned the ins and outs of the…

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Why Simple Investment Stats Don’t Give You Good Returns

If you’re investing in equities, you may be using various investment data software like Morningstar. The problem? Investment data often gets misused. This is because you may be looking at short-term stats and ratings from only the last 1-5 years. It takes a lot of effort looking at investment stats, but most people who do…

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Invest a Lump Sum or Bit-by-Bit. Which Is Smarter?

Invest a Lump Sum or Bit-by-Bit. Which Is Smarter? You have a lump sum of cash and you’re trying to figure out how to invest it. The stock market seems pretty turbulent at the moment, so you may be wondering if you should invest your lump sum all at once or bit-by-bit.  Maybe you got…

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Optimism is the Only Realism

Optimism is the Only Realism. That’s my belief, and you’ll learn why in my latest YouTube video and podcast episode. I feel compelled to talk about optimism for 2 reasons: 1/ Optimism is absolutely necessary for financial success – effective investing and financial planning. You need to feel you will be better off in the…

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Using Your Corporation As Your Retirement Fund

Can you fund your retirement from your corporation? That’s the question I answer in my latest video and podcast episode specifically for business owners. This is part # 2 of the video I did last week, where I go deeper into tax-efficient investment strategies when owning a corporation. It may seem complicated (if you’re talking…

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