Posts Tagged ‘retirement income’

Should I start my CPP early? – Real-Life Examples

The most common CPP question I am asked is: “Is it smart to take my CPP early?” Prefer an overview? Like videos? Check out our whiteboard video, podcast episode or read the full post below! A quick review of the facts: The simple breakeven calculation misses many important factors. For example, if John starts receiving…

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Using Your Corporation As Your Retirement Fund

Can you fund your retirement from your corporation? That’s the question I answer in my latest video and podcast episode specifically for business owners. This is part # 2 of the video I did last week, where I go deeper into tax-efficient investment strategies when owning a corporation. It may seem complicated (if you’re talking…

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Why Most Financial Plans Fail

Many people who work with us to figure out their retirement plan, have created a financial plan before. You can get a financial plan from a bank, online methods, financial advisors or fee-only financial planners, but often these financial plans fail. They do not give you the life you want. In my latest video and…

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Risk of Bonds To Your Retirement

In my latest YouTube video and podcast episode, I give you insight into what I advise my clients and why I declare the death of bonds as an investment. It’s time for most investors to stop investing in bonds. Including balanced funds. Here are just some of the topics I cover in the video: Ed

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Financial Post Article: This retired woman needs to figure out what to do with potential $50 million in savings

The Financial Post asked me to review the finances of a single, retired 50-year-old woman who doesn’t have children and lives with her aging parents.  She wants guidance on how to enjoy a comfortable retirement without risking outliving her money.  This is a particular interesting client case story, as she actually has more money than…

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Millionaires in Poverty

This may sound like a dumb topic. Why would a millionaire live in poverty? We see it all the time, though.  People living in a paid off home worth more than $1 million while living on an income of $20,000/year before tax. I believe this is caused by the belief that your home is your…

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